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Salesforce Integration: FAQ
Sarang Bhatt avatar
Written by Sarang Bhatt
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to the FAQ for Wootric's Salesforce Integration!

To support Salesforce users, the data, feedback and insights available on the Wootric platform can now be integrated in the company's Salesforce CRM platform.

Here is a short video that shows how to install Wootric package from App Exchange and integrate with Wootric.

Big Picture!

 1. How can I get the Salesforce Integration?

You can download the Salesforce Integration from Wootric's listing the Salesforce AppExchange.

 2. How difficult is it to install?

It is a code free installation. Once you download the managed package from the Salesforce AppExchange, you should be able to install it within 60 minutes. Note: you must have a Salesforce-enabled Wootric account for the Integration to work. Please contact us to get enabled!

 3. How much does the Salesforce Integration cost?

The Salesforce Integration comes as a part of the Wootric Enterprise Plan. Please contact us to schedule a demo and discussion.

More Detail!

 4. Does it show NPS/CES/CSAT on the account level?

Yes, it does. We built the Integration to respect the role of the contact and the account. So, any score(s) received will also roll up into the account to provide a broader view.

5. Can you pass user properties from Salesforce back to Wootric?

Yes this is possible.  But only when triggering Wootric email surveys from Salesforce

6. Can you pass user properties from Wootric to Salesforce?

Yes. You can choose to pass all of the user properties that you pass into Wootric, into Salesforce. The properties will appear on the individual contact level alongside each response.

7. Are there any ready-made reports available?

Yes. The integration comes with 7 ready-made reports to help you understand your Wootric data.

8. Can I trigger Wootric surveys out of events in Salesforce?

Yes. You can use a combination of outgoing webhooks and Salesforce workflows to trigger surveys to be sent out. Please contact us to learn more about our Salesforce Workflow Package.

9. How long does it take for the data to come into Salesforce?

The data flows into Salesforce from Wootric in near-real time.

10. Does Saleforce data flow back to Wootric?

We are only able to bring Salesforce data back into Wootric when configured through Wootric email surveys sent in Salesforce.  If you're interested in Salesforce data being accessible to Wootric more broadly, please let us know. We use user feedback to inform our roadmap.

11. Not all of my users live in Salesforce. Where do their Wootric scores go? 

The Integration creates an account called 'Wootric Unknown Contacts' where all of the scores provided by users not yet in Salesforce will go. You can then assign these users to the appropriate account, if you wish.

12. Does the Integration also bring Customer Satisfaction or Customer Effort Scores into Salesforce?

Yes! This integration brings Wootric NPS, CSAT, and CES data into Salesforce. 

12. My company uses Salesforce's customer portals for our community site or help center. Can I show Wootric surveys there as well?

Yes! Our code snippet is configured to be installed inside the Salesforce environment. This will require support from a developer on your team that is familiar with Salesforce to complete the installation. Note: This implementation does not require installation of our Salesforce managed package.

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