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What is an Auto-tag?

How to automatically tag and categorize your feedback

Daniel Pitrowiski avatar
Written by Daniel Pitrowiski
Updated over a week ago

Auto-tags allow you to set rules for scanning your customer feedback and apply tags automatically. Categorize tags with words or phrases and we'll do the rest.

What can you do after all your qualitative feedback is auto-tagged?

  1. Qualitative filtering of your feedback.

  2. Perform trend analysis.

  3. Sharing important individual feedback with your team. For instance, you may want to add a developer to Wootric and have them track whenever a BUG tag is applied.

Auto-tagging will discover trends you didn't have time to surface before.

FAQ and Articles

We have too much feedback to ensure consistent tagging across our team. What do we do?

Wootric offers intelligent tagging with CXInsights, our text-and-sentiment analytics engine for customer and employee feedback. Auto-tagging can be used in conjunction with more sophisticated tagging using AI/Machine Learning models to help you scale.

What are the best practices for tagging?
Check out our blog for tagging like a pro.

How do I get started with my first auto-tag?
Click here for a step-by-step guide.

Need to manage/edit auto-tags that you've already created?

How do I get Auto-Tagging on my account?

Auto-tagging is a feature on our updated Professional Plans, as well as a core component of our more sophisticated CXInsight analytics product.

If you're interested in adding auto-tagging, contact us!  We'll get you set up. 

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