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How do I setup Targeted Sampling for in-app surveys?

A guide to targeting user groups (property-based triggers) and defining event-based triggers for your in-app Wootric surveys.

Daniel Pitrowiski avatar
Written by Daniel Pitrowiski
Updated over a week ago

Targeted Sampling is a powerful Wootric feature that gives you the ability to target specific in-app surveys to specific users meeting specific criteria, all within the Wootric dashboard.

You can target your in-app surveys based on:

  • Events

  • User groups (based on their attributes, or ‘properties’)

  • Page/location information (URL, name, or path)

A target group must have at least one of these three targeting methods active in order for surveys to work. These methods can also be used together (i.e. an event + user group) to trigger a survey.

Note: Events and User group targeting works for in-app web and mobile SDKs (iOS/android). Page information targeting is specific to in-app web surveys only.

Why use a user group target?

Targeting a defined user group gives you the flexibility to tailor survey wording or survey sampling for a specific user group. A few examples:

  1. Sampling requirements differ by user group: i.e goal is to survey more enterprise customers vs. self-service customers

  2. Survey wording differs by user group: i.e. goal is to customize a different survey question and app store review link for iOS vs android users

  3. Survey group is narrow: i.e. goal is to only survey a very specific target group (customers in France)

Why use a page/location target?

Similar to user group targeting, page targeting on your website or inside your product is helpful when you want to narrow your surveying to a particular part of your product or site, or customize your survey question wording based on a feature, product, or experience.

Why use an event target?

Targeting a survey after an event occurs in your web or mobile app is useful for gathering feedback after a transactional activity. This is usually effective with Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) or Customer Effort (CES) surveys when you are looking to measure the completion of a flow, or understand feedback on a particular product feature.

How do I set up Targeted Sampling for in-app surveys?

Setting up your Targeting in the Wootric Dashboard

Note: Targeted Sampling is an advanced account mode that is not enabled by default on your Wootric account. If you don’t see Targeted Sampling as an option in your settings, please contact

Here's a step-by-step guide to setting up Targeted Sampling rules.

Step 1 - Choose Your Survey

Your first and most important decision is which survey will show to your target group. If you haven't been to Wootric Settings --> Customize Survey, go there first and set up your first survey.

The survey you choose and all its customizations will be used every-time the targeted sampling rule is triggered.

Step 2 - Define your Event, Target Survey Group and/or Page.

Do you want an in-app event to trigger your survey or would you like your survey to target a specific user group that is using your app? Maybe you want to trigger a survey only when your users visit a certain page? Or perhaps a combination of all the above? A targeted sampling rule requires that you choose at least one of these three options.

Set an event to trigger your survey (event-based sampling)

You can trigger surveys for events that you pass us as part of your native Wootric installation or through Segment. Each trigger is limited to one event. Your Event name must be entered exactly, or the survey won't fire.

Standard implementation: trigger after each event

Advanced implementation: trigger after a particular count of an event

[enterprise beta only - please speak to your CSM about access to this feature]

Technical requirements:

If you have Wootric installed directly, without the use of Segment, you'll need to make sure that your code includes support for events.

If you have Wootric installed through Segment and have access to view your Segment code installation, you'll be able to find the names of Events you're passing in Track.

If your Wootric dashboard has no survey responses yet and you're not sure about Event names you're passing or tracking, you may need to talk to your Segment or Wootric admin at your company to help you at this point.d

Define a Target Survey User Group from your custom properties (property-based sampling)

You can define the target user group for an in-app Wootric survey by using the Properties that you pass us as part of your Wootric code installation or through Segment. You can configure one or many properties to narrow your target group. A property can be limited by the choices of ‘equal to’, ‘not equal to’, 'contains', ‘greater than’, or ‘less than’ (illustrated in the example below). You can set multiple property rules connected by “AND” conditions (where all property values are considered together) or set "OR" conditions (where property values are considered separately). It is not currently possible to mix operators -- either all rules are set to "AND" or they are set to "OR". If you have more specific requirements, you can always create a separate target to expand your reach.

Your Property name and Value name must be entered EXACTLY, or the survey won't fire.

When using the 'contains' operator, matches are also case sensitive and can include partial words and words contained in phrases (i.e. the value 'Pro' will match to Professional plan, Pro plan, but not pro plan or improper plan)

NOTE: You cannot add multiple values separated by a comma. If you wish to use many values you must create new rules to match for each unique property value.

If you already have Wootric installed, either through our native or Segment integrations, and your dashboard has responses, you'll be able to see your available Properties and Values listed within your Segments & Filters. These could be immediately used for targeting without any additional development work.

If you don’t see Properties and Values that you need, you’ll need to make sure that your code installation includes support for Properties.

If you have Wootric installed through Segment, you should be able to find the Properties and Values available to you in your Segment Identify call.

Define a URL, or Page to trigger your in-app survey (location-based sampling)

You can use a URL, Segment Page Name, or Segment Page Path to trigger a survey. Setting up a URL trigger for your survey requires no additional code work--the URL parameter is sent to Wootric by default. If you installed Wootric using Segment, Page Name and Page Path are also supported as triggers for your survey.

Reminder that URL/Page triggers are only possible with in-app web surveys.

Segment customers can see the current page information that is being passed to Wootric by visiting the debugger of your Wootric Source. This is an example of what you will see:

In this example, pricing and easy_test are the page names available to Wootric, so these could be used as values for Segment Page Name.

We support the same operators for URL, Segment Page Path, and Segment Page Name.

“Equals”, “Contains”, “Starts With” and “Ends With” will act similarly on complete URLs or over simple strings.

Similar to property values, you can set multiple URL rules connected by “AND” conditions (where all property values are considered together) or set "OR" conditions (where property values are considered separately).

For example, if you'd like the survey to fire on either URL A or URL B, you'd choose the "OR" operator. If you'd like the survey to only fire if URL A starts with X and ends with Y, you'd choose the "AND" operator. It is not currently possible to mix operators -- either all rules are set to "AND" or they are set to "OR".

Step 3 - Define your Sampling Rule

The options available for sampling in this Step 3 are the same as the Wootric Standard Sampling options. That is, you'll set rules for when, what volume, and how often to survey Registered Users and Visitors who fit either the user-group rule or the event rule you set up in Step 2 above.

NOTE: Registered Users are any user who you've passed a unique identifier for (like an email address or user id) as part of your Wootric/Segment code installation. Visitors are unknown users.

Define your sampling rules as shown below:

NOTE: If you set sampling to 0%, we will not send surveys to the targeted group or event. Changing this percentage to 0%, in effect turns off a Sampling Rule. You can use this to temporarily disable a Sampling Rule if you'd like.

NOTE: The sampling rules are connected. That is, within one account, your users can be protected from over-sampling.

You're done!

NOTE: Clicking save will immediately activate Targeted Sampling Surveys.

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